what is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?

Question by keeferdude: what is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?
I have been ailed with this for over 3 years now and it is getting worse, I have lots of abdominal pain, fatigue, and an overall of not feeling well. The doctors do not seem to help, most do not think I have it, others have given me just a small dosage of medication, which helps for a while but it always returns. I take about a half of a bulb of garlic a day, and that seems to help, but it is not taking complete care of it. Please help…..

Best answer:

Answer by Md. Asaduzzaman
It is a great sign that the doctors can’t find the exact problem of yours. But don’t be worried, go another well-known and specialized doctor on it and I think you shall get better treatment.

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