Posts tagged "Yogurt"

Q&A: Best affordable brand of yogurt to use for yeast infection?

Question by Kathryn Brooks: Best affordable brand of yogurt to use for yeast infection?
Hi I was wondering what brand of yogurt is good and works for a yeast infection and the best way to insert it into vagina. Should I put it in with fingers? Should I dip a tampon in the yogurt then put it in or could I fill a tampon applicator with yogurt, freeze it, then insert it?

Thanks for all answers.

Best answer:

Answer by Monica

I wouldn’t use yogurt for yeast infections. Where did you hear that from? My doctor told me drinking cranberry juice is good for the bladder and infections. As home remedy this may be a good choice to go for.

For a more formal and better treatment, you can just go to your local pharmacy and buy an over the counter medicine for yeast infections. Many women have problems like these. So finding these products shouldn’t be difficult. I would ask someone who works their to help you find it.

As someone that has a vagina, I know that douching can cause yeast infections because it kills all the bacteria even the ones that help clean the vagina. It also increases your chances of getting yeast infections. Many doctors would advise you against using a douchebag because it causes a lot of problems such as yeast infections.

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Posted by Treat Candida - March 25, 2013 at 1:23 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Q&A: Is yogurt okay on a Candida diet?

Question by Juanita S: Is yogurt okay on a Candida diet?
I’ve been reading over 2 different diets for Candida and one says to have yogurt and the other says not to. One says you can have lemons and limes and the other says not to. One say you can have carrots and the other says not to? Which diet should I go by? Do you have any reccommendations for a Candida diet, and what about the yogurt?

Best answer:

Answer by SALLI58
As long as it doesn’t have sugar it should be okay.
Foods to Eat

Vegetables (including plenty of raw garlic), protein foods (beef, chicken, eggs, fish), live yogurt cultures (both dairy and non-dairy,) FOS*, whey, acidophilus, green algae’s (such as spirulina and chlorella), nuts, seeds and oils, and non-glutenous grains (like millet, rice, rice bran and oat bran).
* FOS, or Fructo-oligosaccharides, are nondigestible dietary fibers that help to keep the stomach and bowels healthy. FOS are considered a “prebiotic” because they nourish the naturally present “friendly” bacteria (especially Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli) which help to ward off infection in the digestive system.
Foods to Avoid

Aged cheeses, alcohol, chocolate, dried fruits, fresh fruits, fermented foods, mushrooms, vinegar, glutenous foods (wheat, rye, oats, barley), all sugars, honeys and syrups (that includes any ‘ose’, like lactose, sucrose etc), and foods that contain yeast or mold (breads, muffins, cakes, baked goods, cheese, dried fruits, melons, peanuts – although nutritional and brewer’s yeasts are not harmful, as they do not colonize in the intestines).


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Posted by Treat Candida - February 27, 2013 at 2:34 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Q&A: How Long Does It Take For Yogurt To Remove Yeast Infection?

Question by michell718123: How Long Does It Take For Yogurt To Remove Yeast Infection?
I put plain yogurt (with active culture) around my vulva and inside my vagina with a tampon, to get rid of a yeast infection the natural way. A couple of hours later, I do feel relief.

But how long will it take for the yeast to be complete vacant from my vagina, and when will my skin completely restore itself?

Best answer:

Answer by Larkin L
If it’s working, keep using it for at least 3 days. If it comes back, you should buy Monistat 7 instead.

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Posted by Treat Candida - February 12, 2013 at 2:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Can i mix monistat 3 with Plain yogurt for my yeast infection?

Question by Alex Edmondson: Can i mix monistat 3 with Plain yogurt for my yeast infection?
I have a yeast infection and it’s almost gone but i was wondering if it would be more effective to mix yogurt and the monistat suppository. I have also been taking 1000 mg of Oderless Garlic and have eaten some yogurt. I have been watching what i eat and have been drinking lots of water.
It’s not to eat -_- it’s to put up there! Yogurt is okay to use inside your vagina for yeast infections and so is monistat so my question was can i mix them, NOT TO EAT THEM.

Best answer:

Answer by sugar-glider queen

Yes you absolutely can.

Here is what you should do: use the medication at night, apply yogurt down there for a couple hours sometime during the day. I wouldn’t put them both at the same time (I don’t know why but my MIL is a nurse and said not to)~ do it separately.

Be sure the yogurt is Plain and not flavored.
Also, It would also help you to eat some of the yogurt and even take acidophilus which has the same stuff yogurt does. (if you are on antibiotics and that is why you got the yeast infection then wait to take the acidophilus until you are done with the antibiotics, taking them together will lessen the effects of antibiotics.)

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 26, 2013 at 1:54 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , ,

Yeast Infection Cure: Yogurt

Yogurt has been the leading cure and remedy for anyone who seeks to have a natural way of curing the pesky and recurring yeast infection. In the contemporary times, there is misuse and abuse of over-the-counter medications, as well as antibiotics and stuff that are synthetic and man-made. This resulted to people seeking for more and more naturally occurring remedies for different diseases and ailments. Let us first start with what are the exact types of yogurt are suitable for someone who wants to treat a seemingly impossible to cure disease. The one you need is just a yogurt that is plain and natural that can be bought from a local grocery store.

Yogurt has been a successful cure for many people for men and women alike. Word of advice: do not use the flavored ones, yogurt that is plain and simple is the way to go. Lots of medications are now being introduced to help people who have been suffering from the said disease. Ceasing the use of certain substances such as steroids, inflammatory, drugs and even birth control pills can sometime be suggested by medical experts. The start of a healthy and well balance life can be a key factor in alleviating and even preventing the nuisances brought by these pesky organisms.

Candida Albicans is the causative agent for this type of infection and can manifest in fungal yeast that usually overproduces all over the body if not given attention to. This can usually result from a very high sugar diet and overuse of antibiotic drugs that may compromise a once healthy immune system. Intensive fungal growth can result to clogging of organs, memory problems as well as brain fog are some of the signs that usually show up early during this time. Lots of medications are now being introduced to help people who have been suffering from the said disease. Ceasing the use of certain substances such as steroids, inflammatory, drugs and even birth control pills can sometime be suggested by medical experts. The start of a healthy and well balance life can be a key factor in alleviating and even preventing the nuisances brought by these pesky organisms.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 30, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , ,

Yogurt – Yeast Infection

Lots of yeast infections seem impossible to cure and have caused many people to endlessly look for a cure but to no avail. This has caused people to spend, and eventually waste, a lot of money because of their lack of knowledge as to what really cures this type of infections. Different talks and discussion regarding the possible treatments for yogurt yeast infections have been aplenty. Among the diverse and many discomforts brought by these infections, pain and irritation are the most common.

This popular dairy product is known to contain millions of friendly lactobacilli that prove to be good for both digestive and immune systems. It is vital for a person to keep in mind that these products come from varied and different manufacturers. Certain pre-requisites for this specific biological treatment in order to achieve the desired optimum amount of relief and comfort.

As any issue, these yogurt yeast infection treatments have their own pros and cons. It needs an immense amount of understanding that if you choose to utilize this yogurt yeast infection remedy, you must first have knowledge of the following requirements when buying your yogurt.

It must be plain since any added flavoring can only hinder or alter the preparation process. No sugar additives or coloring must be present. This remedy is at its best when used in its natural and raw state of preparation. In connection to this, the most natural or raw state for the desired yogurt yeast infection remedy must not be heat-treated. Exposing it to heat will easily kill the good bacteria. After all, this is the main reason why you even chose this type of remedy in the first place.

Again, the pointer for this treatment is that you should choose no sugar, no coloring and no exposure to heat for your chosen yogurt yeast infection treatment.


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Posted by Olivia Walker - April 21, 2012 at 2:21 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , ,

Yogurt Yeast Infection Treatment

The yogurt yeast infection treatment is gaining more popularity by the minute. Credits to yogurt’s capacity in treating Candida the natural way, not to mention, without draining the pocket. We are all aware that the economy is dwindling, with the use of yogurt, you need not rush to the pharmacy and spend a fortune on a yeast infection treatment kit that is anything but natural. And since you are up for a natural approach to treat Candida, I suggest you read on and learn about the essentials in going about it.

Yogurts, particularly ones that have live cultures to them, possess the capacity to overwhelm yeast cells. The reason behind this is the anti-fungal properties they contain. Making use of yogurt in every instance possible is recommended to ascertain that you restore the balance of good and bad bacteria in the body.

Have yogurt on a regular basis to aid you in treating your current yeast infection and possibly prevent future ones from ever occurring. More to these, you can manage your horrifying and annoying itching and burning by means of directly applying yogurt to affected areas. Fret not, health experts claim that it is generally safe to us it even in private parts.

Furthermore, yogurt yeast infection treatment allegedly boasts of its best use which is known as the tampon trick. If you haven’t heard about it before, it is when you have to take some tampons and dip them in yogurt. After doing so, lay them on a tray and put it in the fridge or perhaps freezer to get them cold so the consistency of the yogurt gets firm and prevent it from running or leaking.

Afterwards, you would have to insert a tampon and leave it in overnight. That would be it. You will feel relieved the morning after from all the itching and burning sensation. Just be warned that it can get a little messy when the yogurt leaks out as it melts.

There, now you can go about yogurt yeast infection treatment with some significant ideas in mind!

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Posted by Olivia Walker - February 16, 2012 at 3:35 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,