Posts tagged "Recurring"

How do you stop yeast infections from recurring?

Question by …Ms Independent…: How do you stop yeast infections from recurring?
I had a yeast infection in January. I went to the doctor because I wanted to take the pill instead of the cream which requires a prescription. Eventually it went away.

After awhile I notice right before my period I would itch only at the top of my vagina on the outer lip. I notice it was soar and saw what looked like little paper cuts. I went to the doctor and he said its normal for some women to get it right before their period.

I dont think this is normal and I wanna know if any women out there has had this problem and how did she handle it.

Best answer:

Answer by JannahLee
Hi – Well, your Dr is right, in a way. It is fairly common to have an occurrence of yeast infection before your period. You are going through hormonal changes and body changes that shift the flora of the vagina. A few things might help. No deodorant vaginal sprays, douches or kotex/tampons. Wear cotton underwear, Don’t wear a pad or shield all the time – it acts like a diaper holding moisture against your body. Use mild soaps that are not highly perfumed in the genital area. Don’t wear tight jeans all the time as that doesn’t allow air circulation. Sleep without underwear when you aren’t on your period. Try probiotics – or at least yogurt to help balance out your system – try to keep sugar under control in those days before your period.
The other thing you might want to be sure of is that it is yeast. There are other things that come and go and itch that should be ruled out. Good luck

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 18, 2013 at 1:34 pm

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