Posts tagged "discharge"

Male Candida

Male Candida …what’s it about? Generally, male Candida refers to a yeast infection that affects men. Obvs. Yes, men can actually suffer from yeast infections, as well. Just like women! It is brought about by the same yeast that affects women.

The culprit for Yeast infections is known as Candida Albicans. Yeast infections surface when the Candida grows in overabundance. Their reproduction yields an infection which can range in magnitude and location. There are men who develop the infection and it will show on the arms or face while majority of them will suffer in more private regions. More often than not, a fungal outbreak will result in a moist or damp environment like the crotch or groin.

The surfacing of male Candida often develops into a host of uncomfortable skin irritations and that include an itchy rash, clumpy white discharge from the penis, or burning sensation during intercourse. The fungus could spread if left untreated and the itchy and uncomfortable rash could be transferred down to the groin and into the anus. It is even possible for Candida to penetrate into the penis resulting in immensely uncomfortable urination and a thick clumpy discharge.

Male Candida could be treated in different ways including homeopathic methods and drug therapy related methods. The most used method is opting for medications to treat the infection but unfortunately, a lot find these methods being unsuccessful. They treat the symptoms and the pain subsides briefly but the yeast will just be returning. These medications often fail to resolve the core issues.

Homeopathic treatments for male Candida infections are the best option. They treat the underlying causes and aid in getting your body chemistry back in balance. By sticking to a homeopathic plan to treat your infection, you will learn that the solutions to treating your male yeast infection are no further than the local grocery store. Making some alterations to your diet and proper hygiene you will change your body’s pH and get rid of the excess Candida.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - August 21, 2014 at 12:18 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,

How to tell vaginal discharge from a yeast infection?

Question by Emma C: How to tell vaginal discharge from a yeast infection?
I have sometimes white and sometimes yellow but it doesn’t smell bad or like anything at all. I don’t know if it is a yeast infection or not but I am too embarrassed to tell my mom. I have had it for a while and I think it might be my period coming. Please help me!!! I am so worried

Best answer:

Answer by sokokl
Discharge for a yeast infection is usually clumpy like cottage cheese. Some women also will notice itching and redness.

Because you have had it for a while and aren’t noticing any other symptoms it does sound like your period could be coming soon.

I know you are embarrassed to tell your mom about this but she really needs to know about this so that she can help you keep an eye on the situation.

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Posted by Treat Candida - May 1, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Why does the body make white discharge when you get a yeast infection?

Question by : Why does the body make white discharge when you get a yeast infection?
I just recently got a yeast infection, and I realized that many websites and how most doctors diagnose if you have a yeast infection is if the woman has thick cottage cheese like discharge. But i’m wondering is why the body makes this type of discharge when you have a yeast infection? and why does it smell like fish, and or bad typically when you have one.

Best answer:

Answer by Q
The body doesn’t make the discharge–the “discharge” is actually the yeast, which is an independent fungus that lives in your vagina. It’s always there, but when it grows to amounts larger than normal, they call it a yeast infection. Because it’s grown in large enough numbers, it becomes visible as the white cottage cheese-like substance.

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 1, 2012 at 2:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , ,

What is the difference between a yeast infection and vaginal discharge?

Question by Alicia: What is the difference between a yeast infection and vaginal discharge?
I think that I may have a yeast infection. What I want to know is this, is Monistat a safe treatment for a yeast infection? I haven’t gone to a doctor to get it verified and don’t plan on it but I want to make sure it’s safe before I start using it. Also, if this is just regular vaginal discharge, will using Monistat bring up any side affects?

Best answer:

Answer by Miss Curiosity
Vaginal discharge is supposed to happen…it’s your body’s way of keeping your goods clean. A yeast infection should have a foul odor and the discharge should be yellowish or of some color and will probably clump together.

I doubt you would have any trouble with Monistat if you don’t have an infection, but you may want to try one of those home tests for yeast infections that they have out now. There is no point in treating yourself for a yeast infection if you don’t have one.

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 24, 2012 at 3:00 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , ,