Q&A: What is the treatment of Candida in women?

Question by Rakyz: What is the treatment of Candida in women?
Detailly its sort of itching of the pubic area mostly in women.

Best answer:

Answer by Hearts

You need to see your gynecologist regarding this. She would be in the best position to prescribe you a medicine. Canesten is a good brand, and it comes in creams and vaginal tablets. Diflucan is also good, and is a one-time pill, if i remember it right.

Being overweight can also be a cause for frequent infection– as yeast likes sugar. A good diet might be of help.

I would also suggest the use of cotton “breathable” panties. You need to keep the area dry, as yeast would thrive in moist warm areas.

I hope I’d been of help to you.

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