Q&A: What is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?

Question by keeferdude: What is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?
I have been ailed with this for over 3 years now and it is getting worse, I have lots of abdominal pain, fatigue, and an overall of not feeling well. The doctors do not seem to help, most do not think I have it, others have given me just a small dosage of medication, which helps for a while but it always returns. I take about a half of a bulb of garlic a day, and that seems to help, but it is not taking complete care of it. Please help.

Best answer:

Answer by Alice
Cut sugar out of your diet, including sodas, fruit juices and other sugary things.

I have a few suggestions.. Although garlic is good, pick up some virgin coconut oil and apple cider vinegar. Replace your oils and even butter with the coconut oil. I actually think you should eat a big spoon full the first 3 weeks. Do this in the mornings and at night. You could and probably should oil pull with the oil as well first thing in the morning. Swish it in your mouth for 15-20 minutes or until it turns white.

Mix the apple cider vinegar in tea or distilled water and sip through out the day. (You can add honey if you like). Use a straw. ACV is acidic. (This will balance your ph though).

Another suggestion is along with the above two tips, add the apple cider vinegar to your bath (about 1 cup full of vinegar).

You WILL have detox symptoms from doing these steps. Because your body will be killing of the candida you may have diarrhea, stomach pains, and feel very tired. Many people (myself included) report expelling pure white/clear bowl movement while this die off happens.

You can continue the garlic if you like. But the coconut oil is an antibacterial type oil. It kills yeast. It is also one of the most healthy oils (if not THE healthiest). There are many many benefits to this oil.

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