Posts tagged "suffer"

When Yeast Infection Just Keeps Coming Back

Do you happen to suffer from the pains of a recurrent yeast infection?   Do you ever wonder why you continue to suffer? It can be either of the 2 things.  You have this weird fetish for pain or you just don’t have any idea how to treat yeast infection and rid yourself of it for good. Hopefully, the latter is your reason. If you are for the former, stop reading this article. This one is not for you. If you are one of those people who are on the hunt for a cure to recurrent yeast infection, then sit back and read this informative article.

First off, let’s see if you understand what yeast is. You must know that it is a yeasty fungus that inhabits our bodies. Everyone naturally has it, as a matter of fact. You might question why everyone doesn’t seem to be infected with it. We’ll get there.

When the amount of Candida albicans is regulated, you can go about your life normally, too. But like anything in excess, chaos and discomfort is bound to happen. They multiply rather quickly in terms of population. If their growth is inhibited for a while, continuous treatment should be done so that any recurrence will be impossible. Candida albicans can grow crazy because of poor diet, genetic make-up, antiobiotics are also included and of course, stress. Any of the said factors ring a bell? There is no doubt in mind that one or more have been a present factor and has add up to the reoccurring yeast infections. Thus, as what is usually done, we resort to antibiotics when fighting these types of infections. What it does doesn’t really help but makes the situation worse.  Treating these types of infections is pretty simple, if you only know what to do.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - October 10, 2013 at 3:13 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Fast And Effective Yeast Infection Treatment

Blame biology for making women the ones more likely to suffer from yeast infection. Yeast thrives on moisture and warmth. They hide and host in such places, they grow out of hand and cause an infection.Heavy drinkers and diabetics are also predisposed to yeast infection. Here are some things you can use in treating yeast infection.

You can use hydrogen peroxide to make a douche. Just add in 2 capfuls of hydrogen peroxide to a quart of warm water, or you could add a couple of capfuls of hydrogen peroxide to your bath water and soak. Keep in mind, though, that the vagina is known for its self-cleansing abilities. After clearing up the yeast infection, there’s no need to douche on a regular basis.

Garlic is also a famous anti-yeast infection tool. You may insert a clove of garlic into the vagina for a few hours. Do this for 2 days and you’ll be bidding goodbye to yeast infection. Or, you can just eat it. The most basic of them all is drinking at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water every day. By urinating more, you get to flush sugars that feed yeast.

Yogurt is also a popular choice for yeast infection treatment. Yogurt has Lactobacillus Acidophilus in its ingredients, and this is required for a healthy vagina. You can freeze some yogurt and insert it into the vagina like a tampon.

Last but not least, to enhance the immune system, you can take vitamin and nutrition supplements. Vitamins A, C, and E are your best bets. Some other supplements you mightwant to take are garlic supplements, myrhh, black walnut and oil of oregano. These supplements are known to combat fungal infection.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 4, 2013 at 2:55 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,