Posts tagged "prevent"

Can a yeast infection prevent you from getting pregnant?

Question by : Can a yeast infection prevent you from getting pregnant?
I was wondering if a woman has a yeast infection, can it prevent her from getting pregnant? If it isn’t treated, can it cause permant damage and cause infertility?

Best answer:

Answer by baby_boo1409
Yes, it can definitely affect your chances of getting pregnant. Make sure you go to the Doctors to get rid of it. If you do get pregnant with the infection, there is a HUGE risk of having a miscarriage.
I know because it has happened to me before. The medicine for infections wont allow you to get pregnant but as soon as your off of it, you can try to get pregnant again.

Good Luck!

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Posted by Treat Candida - April 5, 2012 at 2:35 pm

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