Posts tagged "Cure"

Yeast Infection Remedies At Your Service

Women have increased chances of acquiring yeast infection mainly because of their natural body anatomy. This means that their innate form of having the genitalia warm and moist makes it suitable as a breeding ground for yeast. They find it dark and fit enough to hide and multiply causing the infection to become severe and widespread. But do not feel sorry that you are female because there are still numerous reasons that can make a person candidate for this infection such as being a heavy alcohol drinker and a diabetic.

This infection although involves a private body part still is rampant and well known. Medications as prescribed by physicians can be one of the best ways to cure them. However, if you are industrious and curious enough to look for alternatives then you need not to go far. The following will be the answers to your questions.

Hydrogen peroxide. With the use of this, one can create a douche to intervene with the yeast infection. Just mix a couple of cups filled with hydrogen peroxide to a quart of warm water. If warm water is not at hand then you can opt for a bath water and soak yourself into that. Remember that the vagina is self cleansing. Once thorough cure is assured, you need not to douche routinely anymore.

Garlic. This can work magic during the treatment. Simply get a clove of it and swiftly insert tit into the vagina  with repetitions in every few hours. You can continue this for a couple of days and notice the difference. Another option is concocting a drink from boiled garlic and gulp it straight up. It surprisingly has antifungal properties that helps in rejuvenating the immune system.

Water. This can be the most basic form but it is still one of the most helpful one. Drinking a lot would mean urinating a lot. At least 8oz of glasses each day would aid you in washing out the sugar in the body that feeds the yeast and all other kinds of toxins. Salt and vinegar solution also maintains the pH balance of your vagina.

Yogurt. It contains Lactobacillus Acidophilus that is basically found in a healthy vagina. This can be applied directly to the area or you can freeze it and insert it just like that of a tampon.

Still, the best advice for you yeast infected fellows is to consult with your doctor and discuss treatment options. The remedies mentioned are just there to be of help in case you need them.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - July 30, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,

Stop Feeding The Candida With Dairy


If you are not well, the most common advice given to you is to have a balanced diet. Drink plenty of water and take in lots of fruits and vegetables. That is definitely helpful. You need all the energy you can get in order to battle a certain disease. Similarly, one of the many ways to cure an existing yeast infection is through altering the food included in your diet. Even if you are in a state of illness, you should not let your condition take over your life. Just because you feel weak or your taste buds are not how they used to does not mean you will starve yourself to death. Of course you can eat as long as you are aware of what is right or wrong for you. The most important of all is if your feeding yourself and not the Candida living in your body.


The worst that could happen to you is if you are unconsciously taking care of your disease instead of actually putting a stop to it. It is like adding an insult to the injury. In this case, it is like giving food to the Candida and let it grow and multiply even more.


Information is the armor to best fight this war. Being knowledgeable of your condition will guide you towards the proper treatment that will eventually cure you totally.


A lot of people are blinded by dairy. Products made out of dairy are used as a component or ingredient in many foodstuff. Although it tastes good, it is also considered as a culprit causing several major problems. For one, a number of people are allergic to dairy. Aside from that, dairy builds up a lot of mucus that blocks the digestive tract. Once this happens, food digestion will be jeopardized. Toxic materials will build up thus leading to poisoning the blood. This situation will only be in favor for the Candida allowing them a suitable ground for multiplication. Other than that, dairy can injure the immune system as well as shooting up blood sugar levels.


The fact of the matter is to basically avoid dairy and even all the whites such as white rice, white sugar and white flour. These things are in friendly terms with Candida. And allies to your enemies is the very last thing you would want in this kind of situation.


If you are not well, the most common advice given to you is to have a balanced diet. Drink plenty of water and take in lots of fruits and vegetables. That is definitely helpful. You need all the energy you can get in order to battle a certain disease. Similarly, one of the many ways to cure an existing yeast infection is through altering the food included in your diet. Even if you are in a state of illness, you should not let your condition take over your life. Just because you feel weak or your taste buds are not how they used to does not mean you will starve yourself to death. Of course you can eat as long as you are aware of what is right or wrong for you. The most important of all is if your feeding yourself and not the Candida living in your body.

The worst that could happen to you is if you are unconsciously taking care of your disease instead of actually putting a stop to it. It is like adding an insult to the injury. In this case, it is like giving food to the Candida and let it grow and multiply even more.

Information is the armor to best fight this war. Being knowledgeable of your condition will guide you towards the proper treatment that will eventually cure you totally.

A lot of people are blinded by dairy. Products made out of dairy are used as a component or ingredient in many foodstuff. Although it tastes good, it is also considered as a culprit causing several major problems. For one, a number of people are allergic to dairy. Aside from that, dairy builds up a lot of mucus that blocks the digestive tract. Once this happens, food digestion will be jeopardized. Toxic materials will build up thus leading to poisoning the blood. This situation will only be in favor for the Candida allowing them a suitable ground for multiplication. Other than that, dairy can injure the immune system as well as shooting up blood sugar levels.

The fact of the matter is to basically avoid dairy and even all the whites such as white rice, white sugar and white flour. These things are in friendly terms with Candida. And allies to your enemies is the very last thing you would want in this kind of situation.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - July 16, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,

Candida Treatment – An Intense Struggle All Over The World

If you think that you are the only person who has candida, then you are mistaken. Everyone has candida in their bodies. And in connection to this, lots of treatments are available including a particular organic mineral supplement that can surely help you get your life and health back in expected balance. Special colloidal silver can be effective up to 2000 times when compared to ordinary colloidal silver products and it is considered to be safer than most drugs which include some very nasty and harmful side effects.

The wide range of symptoms of these chronic yeast infections do include lethargy, muscle and joint pains and allergies to virtually almost anything is a good manifestation of systemic yeast overgrowth that is happening in the body. The signs and symptoms of candida will usually include the digestive, nervous systems as well as the brain itself. Some indications of hyperactivity are normally associated with this type of infection. Needless to say and regardless what the symptoms are, it is very vital for a person to be able to recognize candida before it is able to do much damage in the body. The first step usually includes learning about it and what it is all about.

Candida Albicans is the causative agent for this type of infection and can manifest in fungal yeast that usually overproduces all over the body if not given attention to. This can usually result from a very high sugar diet and overuse of antibiotic drugs that may compromise a once healthy immune system. Intensive fungal growth can result to clogging of organs, memory problems as well as brain fog are some of the signs that usually show up early during this time.

Lots of medications are now being introduced to help people who have been suffering from the said disease. Ceasing the use of certain substances such as steroids, inflammatory, drugs and even birth control pills can sometimes be suggested by medical experts. The start of a healthy and well balanced life can be a key factor in alleviating and even preventing the nuisances brought by these pesky organisms.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - June 3, 2012 at 12:00 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,

Acidophilus – A Breakthrough Cure For Yeast Infections

It is safe to bet that the lactobacillus acidophilus route of curing yeast infections is still the best cure out there.  This article is entirely dedicated into explaining what it really is and what are the steps needed to be undertaken in order to be able to apply it effectively. Aside from what has been said, this article will also show you the key points to look for in supplements and other natural sources that are rich in Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is considered to be one of the most important probiotics (bacteria that is beneficial for the body) which is naturally found inhabiting a person’s intestines and the vagina. Few of its many benefits include the reduction of the chance of developing diarrhea, reduction of toxic amines that can be found in the blood, reduction the incidence of constipation and fighting off yeast infections caused mainly by Candida Albicans. Some strains of the L. acidophilus have been found out to contain extensive health effects that are beneficial for the body. They pose no threat or any type of harm whatsoever to the human body.

Sugar is the main source of food for yeast to grow and survive. Acidophilus counteract this event by taking out the sugar and fermenting it into lactic acid. This is a one-two punch since it is like taking away the food source of the yeast which is sugar and turning it into a poison which is the lactic acid (relatively harmless to people). This is how Lactobacillus Acidophilus counters yeast infections. This is the normal defense mechanism of the vaginal area since it contains Lactobacillus acidophilus that fight off the growth of causative agents like Candida Albicans. In the instance that these probiotics are less in amount or number, the imbalance causes the yeast to overgrow and eventually cause infections. Antibiotics are able to do a good job in killing the bad bacteria but also it is able to kill the good bacteria as well.  Lots of various Acidophilus pills are available out there in the market for this purpose alone. The Acidophilus yeast infection is widely acknowledged and used around the world.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - May 24, 2012 at 12:31 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,