Posts tagged "antibiotic"

How long after starting an antibiotic does a yeast infection occur?

Question by Paintmyselfgreen: How long after starting an antibiotic does a yeast infection occur?
I just started an antibiotic on Saturday afternoon, and I began experiencing symptoms of a yeast infection on Sunday. I am curious as to if symptoms would appear this quickly?

Best answer:

Answer by Beery

It’s definitely possible. Yeast is always present, but the natural bacteria on the genitals normally keep it controlled. As soon as the antibiotic entered your system it started to kill bacteria and the yeast would have begun to get entrenched and ready to make a serious an assault on your body. If your diet at the time was high in sugars, the yeast would be well fed and able to start growing at a good rate.

A good way to keep yeast at bay during antibiotic use is to cut out all sugars. I don’t know why doctors don’t advise patients of this. Perhaps because they are all about pills and procedures and not thinking about unintended consequences of treatment and how diet can affect their prescriptions.

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 20, 2013 at 1:03 pm

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How can I avoid a yeast infection while taking an antibiotic?

Question by hi: How can I avoid a yeast infection while taking an antibiotic?
I am very sick with a sinus infection and my doctor prescribed me an antibiotic. The problem is I really don’t want to deal with a yeast infection. So what can i do to avoid getting a yeast infection and still take the antibiotics?

Best answer:

Answer by Mary Bijoux

Basically the reason you have a yeast infection is because there’s an imbalance in your body. A healthy person has a balance between the yeast in their body and the good bacteria in their body.

Too much yeast, you have a yeast infection. Too much bacteria, you have a bacterial infection.

So, when you have a yeast infection you essentially have too much yeast in your body relative to the good bacteria. The natural way to treat it and bring back that balance is to starve the yeast and introduce more good bacteria into your body.

Oh and BTW – That’s why you often get relief from using the over the counter meds temporarily, and then the yeast infection comes back. The creams aren’t changing the source of the problem. They are just killing the yeast they come in contact with, and not balancing the yeast/bacteria in your body and actually sometimes end up making things a lot worse.

Oh BTW2 – That’s also why many times you’ll get a yeast infection after using antibiotics. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your body, the good and the bad. When that happens the balance between the yeast and good bacteria is off, and once again and you get a yeast infection.

Things you can add to your diet (to help promote good bacteria) are live yogurt cultures (or take Acidophilus), plenty of water, fresh vegetables, lots of protein rich foods, whey protein, raw garlic, nuts, seeds, oils, millet, rice and oat brans

Things you should remove from your diet (to starve the yeast) are all sodas, sugars, fruit, fermented foods, foods containing white flour, alcohol (especially beer), antacids and any product that has yeast or mold

Changing your diet will definitely get you on the road to balancing the yeast and good bacteria, but what I would also recommend is to use a homeopathic solution to help naturally speed up the process.

I always feel if there’s a natural way to do something, then it’s best to avoid the chemicals. I would look for an natural product, that can be taken orally to promote re-growth of the good bacteria in your body.

There are a few out there, I think they are probably all pretty good. One that I have used and was very effective for me was yeastrol. Best of Luck!

Hope this helps and best of luck! :)

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Posted by Treat Candida - February 8, 2012 at 4:35 pm

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