Is it possible to have a yeast infection without the itching?

Question by Jess: Is it possible to have a yeast infection without the itching?
Lately I have experienced a lot of white clumpy discharge, and also a strong odor. I have been tested for any possible STD’s and the results were negative. I’m pretty sure it is a yeast infection, but i dont have any itching.

Best answer:

Answer by baby I w
Yes, they can come in all forms. You should look for natural products to deal with them. Prescription drugs don’t get to the root of the problem. They just mask over your symptoms. They may help you to cope with your immediate symptoms, but they don’t correct the long term cause of yeast infections.They can be reoccuring and, if you know that it is not an STD then you need to eat better and drink stuff like cranberry juice and, yes, we all know the secret of yogurts.

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