Candida Feeds On Sugar

Challenges are inevitable in life, and the greatest rewards come from the most effort, be it physical, emotional or mental. Being in control of a Candida infection will call for mental strength to say no to the cravings and pull through with the detox phase, emotional strength to set feelings aside and take the bigger view of health and freedom in mind, as well as the physical strength to adjust to this better way of lifestyle.

I’ll tell you what we’re really dealing with, it’s all about the detox phase, or in other words, freedom. Let’s admit it, everything in life is best done one step at a time. What I’m trying to say is: have you ever stopped eating your favorite sugar-coated treats altogether? How long did it last? How about you prepare by really understanding what’s really bound to happen in this new chapter of your life?

There are so many ways to master Candida, but all of them have these steps in common: eliminate the food Candida feeds on. Yup, that means sugar, but don’t wear that long face just yet, I’m no slave-driver and I swear by cookies myself. However, you can rebuild your health to keep that little monster in its proper place.

More often than not, starving the Candida yeast means steering clear of every type of sugar, if not totally cutting sugar from your diet. Are you ready to crush your candida infection and live the life you deserve? Then stay away from sugar!