can you take castor oil while on probiotics?

Question by xxno identityxx: can you take castor oil while on probiotics?
would the castor oil, taking it as a laxative, flush out the good bacteria too though?
oh yh, and can castor oil flush out an overgrowth of yeast- candida?

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. T
Yes, castor oil (taken orally) will flush out the good bacteria simply because it typically causes diarrhea.

Yes, taking probiotics afterward will help to replete the proper flora. I’d advise that you take the probiotics about 2 hours after the castor oil.

No, castor will not have a significant impact on candida (yeast overgrowth) directly. Note that depleting the good bacteria can give the candida a competitive edge, so if there is a candida issue the probiotic is really important.

Final note – occasionally using castor oil to treat constipation is fine. But it’s not a good option for recurring problems.

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