Apple Cider Vinegar For Yeast Infection

Apple cider vinegar is a known efficient remedy for candidiasis. It has natural enzymes that aid in checking candida fungal growth. While at it, it also encourages good bacteria growth which keeps the candida fungi under control

In some cases, yeast infection can be found in your mouth and is called oral thrush. This will cause you to have white, creamy-looking lesions and sores on the inner cheeks or under / on top of the tongue. Oral thrush could be quite painful; it may even cause some bleeding. You can have problems eating, chewing, and even swallowing your food.

A particularly efficient way to fight oral thrush is using apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash. To do so, dilute 2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered ACV together with 8 oz. of pure water, swish it in your mouth, then either spit it out or swallow it. Most people would spit it out. You may do this 2 or 3 times per day for around three days or until the symptoms subside.

Yeast infection could also be present on your skin, most particularly in and around the groin area, between the fingers and toes, under the breasts, beneath any other skin folds and under the nail beds. They may appear as rashes, blisters that ooze fluids, or dry, red raised itchy bumps.

Raw apple cider vinegar is best for relieving all the discomforts and pain of candidiasis of the skin. It can be incorporated in your bath. Empty two full cups of vinegar in a warm bath filled enough to fully immerse the affected area. Submerge in it for half an hour or so and then repeat this treatment each day until the symptoms go away.