Posts tagged "Infection"

Yeast Infection Remedies For You

If I had a penny for every time a supposed yeast infection remedy pops up online, I’d be rich by now. Why does it have to be so damn difficult? Let’s clarify something.

Yeast infection remedies should help you with your problems for good, and not just temporarily relieve your symptoms. If that’s the only thing that it does, it can’t be considered as an actual cure. There. Pretty simple, right? Many of us thing that we have the answer and well, if the “remedy” doesn’t really remedy the problem, then it’s not the answer.

Let’s move on. Here are some useful, temporary treatments that will give actual relief. Even though they clearly must not be deemed yeast infection remedies for reasons that were discussed previously, they deserve to be mentioned. These are not long-term yeast infection remedies, though. Try:

Yogurt. Look for plain, no sugar, no additives, no coloring, and one that’s not heat-treated. Spread a little amount on the infected area, and let it sit for about an hour. A soothing relief will be felt. The reason why yogurt is considered to be one of the best remedies for yeast infection is because it has good friendly bacteria that helps to fight against your infection.

Tea tree oil is yet another powerful yeast infection remedy. Why? Because it’s a powerful antifungal agent, it kills bacteria, as well as it rejuvenates skin.

See to it that you dilute it. Tea tree oil is very potent. It may not be considered as one of the long-term cures because it is only temporary, but it’s very useful. Given that it’s natural, you need not worry about long term damage to your internal system, mind you. So remember that as you look at your natural yeast infection remedies for long-term relief.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - March 24, 2014 at 8:35 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Yeast Infection on the Tongue

Yeast infection of the tongue or what is also known as “thrush” is not a very rare infection of the mouth that is brought about by the fungus or yeast Candida. It can plague just about anyone, but is more commonly seen in children, the elderly and those who are immunocompromised.

A small amount of yeast is present naturally in the mouth, digestive tract and skin. This fungus is in balance because of other organisms in our body.

Birth control pills, some strong antibiotics, and corticosteroids can cause imbalances. Thrush has the tendency to develop quickly and may bring about total discomfort if you don’t treat it immediately.

Diet has a huge impact on this. A lot of people do not have the control when it comes to junk foods. That can be a reason why mouth ulcers keep on coming back. Among the most common symptoms may include painful swallowing, bad breath, a feeling that food is stuck in the area of the supply pipe, and high fever if the infection spreads beyond the esophagus

Brushing and flossing also have an impact on the health of your mouth. Try to steer clear of mouthwashes, the chemicals in there may cause further imbalances. It’s particularly crucial to visit a doctor if you are diabetic or wearing dentures.

Professional advice will help you be on the right track with your medication and help you take appropriate course of action. Of course, changes in diet, for example, limiting the amount of sugar consumed must be done. Stay away from yeast in certain foods, like bread, beer and wine. We are the masters of our body. We can always do something about all the discomfort we feel.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - June 20, 2013 at 1:35 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Treating an Oral Yeast Infection

Treating an oral yeast infection can be quite hard for people who have excessive amounts of the candida fungus in their mouth. There are time that thrush symptoms are mild. They can be a light white film seen in the oral cavity, while the severe ones have sores, blisters and lesions all over their the mouth. This can go beyond the mouth, which includes the gums, tongue, palate, even as far back as the throat and tonsil.

There are the factors that can stir up an oral thrush outbreak. Adults, and even children, who suffer from diseases that affect the immune system run the highest risk. These conditions may include diabetes, cancer and HIV/AIDS. Additionally, taking medications (like the birth control pill or antibiotics) that affect the balance of hormonal levels can also make someone more vulnerable to oral thrush. While it’s essential to know the causes, if you have it, you are more focused on the cure since you are in much pain and suffering.

It’s best to consult with a doctor and have your condition diagnosed, there are some home remedies that you may take into consideration to help manage the pain. A severe case of oral thrush could reach farther than your oral areas and may include your liver, lungs, heart, joints, esophagus and even brain. However, there are some measures you can take on your own.

First, see to it that you have proper hygiene in the mouth. Brush your teeth at least 3 times daily so that the yeast is at the lowest levels possible. More to these, see to it that no one else in your home can access your toothbrush for them not to be at risk for getting thrush.

If you’re a smoker, you might want to consider quitting, considering those who smoke statistically have higher rates of oral thrush outbreaks. Some dietary changes can also help with the treatment of an oral candida infection. Yeast levels rise as sugar levels in the blood stream increase. This is the reason why those who are either diabetic or pre-diabetic run a higher risk for yeast infections, be it oral, vaginal or penile.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - May 30, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , ,

What will happen if I let my yeast infection go untreated?

Question by Curious: What will happen if I let my yeast infection go untreated?
I have had this yeast infection for about a year now and I am really embarrassed to tell my parents about it!

Best answer:

Answer by malory knox
It will go away on it’s own in two weeks or less. If it persists longer THEN you should see your doctor. Here is what you do: Use a warm wash cloth to GENTLY cleanse the vaginal area about 3 times a day. Get some panty liners (not pads) and always keep one on. Change about every hour or so. This will keep any discharge from further irritating your skin. Also, using wet wipes when you go to the restroom instead of toilet paper will be more soothing. Yeast infections usually are not serious and usually DO clear up on their own in a week or so.

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Posted by Treat Candida - May 16, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , ,

How to control yeast Infection while pregnant?

Question by sree: How to control yeast Infection while pregnant?
Is there anyway can i stop getting yeast infection?why pregnant womens are getting yeast infection,any reason for that?

Best answer:

Answer by Expecting baby #2
I got alot of yeast infectiong wiht my first. it was crazy because i had never had one in my life before that. Well ways to prevent it. drink cranberry juice everyday and aftter intercourse be sure to go pee immediately. When you was yourself down there dont stick anything in there to wash it and be sure to wash often down there.

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Posted by Treat Candida - May 14, 2013 at 1:22 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , ,

What are some symptoms of yeast infection?

Question by Jessikah: What are some symptoms of yeast infection?
I found some things that are leading me to believe that i have a yeast infection. The first is white bumps on my inner vaginal lips. And then there are some white yeast looking stuff right above my clit and sometimes my vagina has a gross smell. Is it yeast infection?
No my VJ does not itch or burn. Is a vagina supose to be dry cuz mine kinda is. Please only serious comments i need help

Best answer:

Answer by Shauntel_Pelerine
White bumps on the inter lips is not a yeast infection. A yeast infection symptoms are burning, itching, and discharhed that could be discolored or smelly. You need to see your GYNO.

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Posted by Treat Candida - May 9, 2013 at 1:33 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Q&A: How long can sperm live inside of me if I have a yeast infection?

Question by Jennifer: How long can sperm live inside of me if I have a yeast infection?
Kind of a weird question but I am ttc and didnt want the starting yeast infection to ruin my chance this month.. will the yeast kill off the sperm?

Best answer:

Answer by Delicious K
If there is fertile cervical mucus then it should live 3-5 days. I don’t know how the yeast infection may affect it. My conclusion is that it won’t matter.

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Posted by Treat Candida - May 7, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , ,

Will a yeast infection go away on its own?

Question by 0864213579: Will a yeast infection go away on its own?
I have a yeast infection and am also menstruating. I am pretty uncomfortable about using a suppository right now – will the infection clear up on its own or do I need to get medication? Also, is there a pill I can take or is the only option the suppository?

Best answer:

Answer by Diego
My advice is to see your DR soon.he or she will perform a pelvic exam, test the discharge and depending on the results, have you take a antifungal and or antibiotics to get rid of your symptoms. In the mean time I would avoid baths, hot tubs, spas, douching, and eat yogurt that contains lactobacillus. Lactobacillus is a type of “good” bacteria that’s common in your vagina. It may help reduce recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Hope this helps

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Posted by Treat Candida - May 3, 2013 at 1:33 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , ,

Q&A: What if a yeast infection goes untreated?

Question by hngh: What if a yeast infection goes untreated?
i think i have a yeast infection, but im leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks to a foreign country, so what will happen in those 3 weeks? ive had it for maybe 5 days, but noticed only now.

and what over the counter products can i get that actually work?

Best answer:

Answer by jkregger
You need to try to get to the doctor. It’s very important that you do not leave a yeast infection untreated for 3 weeks. The symptoms may get worse. Also, you will be unfamiliar with where and how to receive medical treatment in this foreign country. It would be for the best to get a prescription to take care of it.

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Posted by Treat Candida - May 2, 2013 at 1:42 pm

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How to tell vaginal discharge from a yeast infection?

Question by Emma C: How to tell vaginal discharge from a yeast infection?
I have sometimes white and sometimes yellow but it doesn’t smell bad or like anything at all. I don’t know if it is a yeast infection or not but I am too embarrassed to tell my mom. I have had it for a while and I think it might be my period coming. Please help me!!! I am so worried

Best answer:

Answer by sokokl
Discharge for a yeast infection is usually clumpy like cottage cheese. Some women also will notice itching and redness.

Because you have had it for a while and aren’t noticing any other symptoms it does sound like your period could be coming soon.

I know you are embarrassed to tell your mom about this but she really needs to know about this so that she can help you keep an eye on the situation.

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Posted by Treat Candida - May 1, 2013 at 1:21 pm

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