How to Prevent Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are not exactly rare. Reportedly, around 75% of women, at some point in their lives, have had a yeast infection and experienced its dreaded symptoms. Candida yeast infections affect most womenhow to prevent yeast infections from all walks of life all over the world, making it one of the most common feminine health problems worldwide.

Most people who are infected aren’t living the most comfortable lives. And we can’t blame them for their eagerness to treat this infection and end their suffering.

However, as the cliché goes, prevention is better than cure. So it can be much better to prevent yeast infections from happening in the first place, than to regret it later and be at your wit’s end treating it.

So How Can You Prevent Yeast Infections?

Wearing ill-fitting pants and tight fitting shorts is a big no-no as they only promote sweating.  This can cause your vaginal area to be moist, especially when they are worn regularly and in a long span of time or during physical activities. A damp or moist environment is a good breeding site for yeasts, just so you know. Changing it up might be quite a chore if you’re the girly-girl type who loves dressing up. But it’s still your call.  After all, it’s you who’s gonna suffer from all the itching and all the discomforts of yeast infection anyway.

You should ditch your undergarments made up of synthetic materials such as polyester or nylon since they are not very absorbent and they can restrict airflow, giving ideal ground for yeast to thrive. If you badly need to wear pantyhose, opt for one that has a cotton panel for better moisture absorption. Yes, I know, lace panties are sexy and appealing but they tend to worsen the itching. Additionally, avoid wearing panty liners since they also make you prone to having vaginal yeast infection. But if you really have to, choose ones that are breathable.

I hate to state the obvious but you shouldn’t be sharing pieces of clothing with other people as you’re just upping your chances of getting an infection. Furthermore, you should see to it that the clothes you are wearing are clean. Fungus can build up on dirty clothes and this can be a cause for future infections.

When wiping your genital area, always do it from front to back. If you do it the other way around, you’ll only be spreading the bacteria from the anus to your vagina. Use of scented sanitary pads, deodorant sprays, and bubble baths should be avoided as they contain chemicals that disturb the normal balance of bacteria in the genital area. Also, you should avoid douching since it tends to leave the vaginal mucous dry and may cause harm to inner membrane. Damaged areas can be breeding grounds for yeast, and will eventually cause pain and discomfort during intercourse, not to mention severe itching.

Health experts recommend daily intake of yogurt as it contains live cultures of lactobacillus acidophilus that are known to prevent yeast infections. Opt for plain yogurt instead of the flavored ones that are loaded with sugar. Be always watchful of your diet.  Lower your total intake of sugar as it only helps contribute to yeast growth.

These are just some of the basics, it’s you who own your body, and you should be extra conscious about everything you do. It’s your life (and comfort!) on the line.